Combining your Lishi practice with being a parent
You used to wake up at 6am each morning to practice your forms and improve your own training.
But now you barely get any sleep and you’ve got toddler tantrums, nappies and breakfast to sort out. You can say goodbye to your early morning meditation, me-time and those solid abs….
Actually being a parent is another type of training. But just because there are not enough hours in the day now it doesn’t mean that you have to stop with your training altogether.
Here are 5 suggestions for exercises you can combine with your babysitting 😉 duties:
1. Warm up – Starting the morning with a good warm up sets me up for the day. I do the warm up and my little one loves to copy along. He doesn’t get everything right but that’s fine, he’s starting to build a physical awareness and is learning the names of the major body parts.
2. Kitchen Stances – I find a great place to practice stance-work is in the kitchen as I am cooking. I get the kids to copy along and learn the stances with me, while practicing the qigong in my legs. Frog stance is also great to practice especially if you’re trying to potty train a toddler.
Learning the names of the stances will also give them a head-start when you decide to send them along to the Lishi Leeds Tai Chi Kids Classes
3. Swing Evasions – This one is courtesy of my brother Dr Tai Chi. The kids always need a good run around each day – so next time you’re at the park practise Round the Clock or Teacup evasions while pushing the swing. It’s a great way to keep you on your toes and make the evasions work. Plus the kids find it hilarious!
4. Floor-Work-and Flying Angel – You’re probably finding that you spend more time these days crawling around on the floor putting toys away and crawl chasing your little one. Remember to use your core muscles and feel the abs work to pull your knees in and reach with the arms. Lifting your toddler over your head as you lie on your back – you can practice the supporting part of the flying angel. I only recommend you do this if you’ve had instruction at a Lishi Qishu class.
5. Virtues – Being a parent is where you really have to test whether you can make the training work outside the hall. It is a great chance to practice your virtues such as patience and the softest will be the strongest. It is also a great chance to learn from our little ones – for they demonstrate relentless better than any adult could. Finally remember, “You don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing.” Use this opportunity to enjoy being a kid again and cultivate that playfulness in your parenting and your personal practice.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips and if you have any to add then please post them in the comments below.