Can Tai Chi Cure Depression?


A New Article in the Guardian Suggests Reasons This Could Be True…

Stress, anxiety, low confidence and depression are all common reasons why people turn to Tai Chi as a natural anti-depressant to help boost their mood.

I’ve seen many times how joining a class transforms people’s mental health and I’ve just read an article that provides some evidence why.

“It turns out that, in the same way that we have basic physical needs like food, water and shelter, all humans have certain basic psychological needs.”

“We need to feel we belong. We need to feel valued. We need to feel we’re good at something. We need to feel we have a secure future.”

“There is growing evidence that our culture isn’t meeting those psychological needs for many, perhaps most, people…

….we have become disconnected from things we really need, and this deep disconnection is driving this epidemic of depression and anxiety all around the world”

Lishi Way Out Daoist Path 3D Compressed 533 x 667In my book, I describe how the modern world is crazy!

Working life, the economy and technology mean there is a constant pressure to operate at an unnatural pace.

By trying to keep up, we neglect our true nature and suffer the consequences.

Some people are more sensitive and recognise this imbalance earlier.

Others continue to drive themselves until a major physical or mental illness slaps them across the face and makes them sit down and take a good look at their life.

The Drugs Don’t Work

The article reveals that much of the ‘evidence’ that depression is caused by low serotonin levels has been conveniently fabricated by drug companies in order to sell the idea to prescribing doctors.

Whilst it is convenient to absolve responsibility and blame it on one’s genes, the research suggests…

That using these drugs to boost serotonin only provides temporary respite.

These feelings are in fact messages that there are things about our external world that need changing.

The author of the article found, when speaking with local doctors in countries where they don’t use drugs as anti-depressants,That they looked for other more effective approaches. According to these doctors:

“Finding an antidepressant didn’t mean finding a way to change your brain chemistry. It meant finding a way to solve the problem that was causing the depression in the first place.”

…we need to change our understanding of what depression and anxiety really are.

Finding A Way

Sometimes people are not aware what is causing their mental health challenges.

Often people don’t know how to change their situation or they feel powerless to do so but after coming to one of our classes for a while they experience how they can shift their mood.

It is within their control.

There are things they can do that naturally make a difference to how they feel.

This realisation can be hugely empowering. It starts a positive feedback loop. They start to make choices that are more positive. This brings further benefits.

Perhaps they start to come to two classes a week instead of just one…

Perhaps they start to implement some of the Daoist dietary guidelines we teach.

Perhaps they start to rise a little earlier and start their day with some breathing exercises.

They start to contribute to the running of a class. They feel part of a community.

Soon it becomes clear that their life can continue to get better and better and they have the strength to influence how.

The research asserts that one of the main causes of depression is the perception that one’s life is meaningless.

When people begin practising Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation and Lishi regularly, they discover that they can create the life that they want.

What could be more meaningful than that?


Wai-Yii Tai Chi Teacher and Author Daoist Way Out BookIf you want to read the full article, it’s here

If you’d like to explore how daoist philosophy and practise could benefit you, why not get my book ‘Way Out – A Daoist Path to a Fearless Life

Read the reviews to find out what people are saying about it 🙂

To start doing lishi, either use this special link to get a big discount on my online course here

Or if you’re in Leeds come along to a class

Or if you’re not near Leeds,  find a class near you

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