Lishi Manchester Saturday Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation & Kung Fu Workshops
Lishi is a form of Daoist practice from Shangdong Province in China.
It traces it’s history back at least three thousand years, and comprises a whole range of arts, like Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Daoist Yoga, Daoist Healing Arts, Kung Fu and Chinese Aikido, Weapons and more ….
These workshops can be taken individually, but also form a course that will enhance any practice you may do already.
No previous experience is required.
I’ve been studying these arts with my master for over 30 years.
However, if you book in advance, I’m offering a 17% discount.
Places are limited, so I suggest you reserve your place now.
Daoist Yoga, Breathing Exercises & Standing Qigong
Short Sticks
Daoist Aikido
Tai Chi Forms
This workshop will focus on aspects of the Daoist Square Yard Form, Flying Hands (Fei Shou), Poor Peasant and the Yang Tai Chi Form.
Daoist Self Defence Routines
Daoist Grappling/Wrestling plus Daoist Massage
This workshop will focus on breaking out of grips and holds and locks, using relaxed circular movements and the application and use of qi. We will practise a range to techniques to escape from being pinned to the ground, to being held by 2, 3, even 4 people. Plus we will do some very effective Daoist massage techniques.
Daoist Swords
Daoist Staff/Stick
Ancient Daoist Staff – quarterstaff will be taught in this workshop. Use of the implement, techniques and practical applications will be covered.