Each winter I escape the cold of Britain and head to sunny Tenerife to run my Tai Chi, Yoga and Meditation retreats in the sun. This year we were lucky enough to have a film crew in attendance and they very kindly created some beautiful videos of us practising some of the different Arts of Lishi Leeds Tai Chi.
In this video, Lishi Ben and I practise the Tai Chi Sword together.
Watch the video and read the description below and if you feel this is something you’d like to learn, get in touch to register for the next beginners Tai Chi course in Leeds.
Two practitioners of Lishi Tai Chi and Kung Fu meet on the side of a mountain to practise the Art of the Jian Sword.
Balance, dexterity, lightness and co-ordination combine to show how practising the natural movements of Tai Chi, Qigong and Kung Fu can be transformed into a graceful dance of the martial arts.
Working with the Daoist principles of Yin and Yang and flowing like water, this video showcases the grace and exhilaration of Lishi.
To watch more great Lishi videos subscribe to our channel here
or just book on the next beginners course below