What do you think of Lishi?

This is your opportunity to tell us about your experience so far…

    1. Did you enjoy the Introduction to Lishi course?

    If you answered Yes, to question 1 - What did you most enjoy?

    2. Did the Introduction to Lishi course help you decide if you want to give Lishi a go?

    What did you decide?

    3. Have you been to a class as a result of the Introduction to Lishi online course?

    If you answered "No" to question 6, please tell us why not and if there is anything we could do?

    4. Were the number of email messages we sent you:
    Too ManyToo FewJust Right

    5. Was the timing of the messages:
    Not Frequent EnoughToo FrequentJust Right

    6. What could we do to improve?

    7. What else would you like us to know?

    Your Name (optional)

    Your Email (if you'd like us to get in touch about your comments, please give us your email. Otherwise, please use survey@lishi.org in this field)